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Sigma Omega Nu was established at California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo on November 6, 1996 as the First Latina Interest Sorority ever to be established on the campus. Sigma Omega Nu grew directly out of a Little Sisters program.

The eight young Latina women who decided to form Sigma Omega Nu felt a need for a strong Latina voice on their campus and they sought to create an organization that would fulfill their unmet needs. These eight young women were recognized as the Founding Mothers of the chapter at Cal Poly.

Sigma Omega Nu Founding Mothers: 

00 Lina Medina "Funky"

01 Nadia Quiñonez "Freaky Diva"

02 Yesenia Hueramo "Dazed"

03 Nancy Ruiz "Roxy"

04 Landi Hueramo "Speedy G"

05 Cristina de Sanchez "Crystal"

07 Sarai Sequeira "Pooh Bear"

08 Zulema Gonzalez "Ojitos" 


History: About

San Luis Obispo, CA, USA

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